Friday, 9 October 2009

Range Of Textual Analysis - Three

Analysis 3
For my final analysis of music videos, I will be looking at the conventions of the rather different video which is Daft Punk – One More Time.

This is different from other videos I have looked at because this one is a cartoon themed video. This could also suggest that it may carry different conventions because of its different format.

The conventions which I have noted from this video include:

Close ups – Within the first minute or so of the video there are close ups of the character singing the song playing, this is fairly typical of a music video.

Slow Motion Establishing Shots – to show where the video is set and to give the audience an idea of what is about to happen.

Dancing – The video shows characters dancing to the music and , although it is not particularly choreographed, this would still be a convention.

Cut to the beat – This is where the camera changes shots in time with the beat of the music. This video does this a lot and keeps in time with the beat.

All of the above pictures are from the music video, they do not have typical conventions because they are in cartoon format.

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